I want to ride my bicycle ~ I want to ride my bike ~ I want to ride my bicycle ~ I want to ride it where I like
~ Queen, Bicycle Race, Fat Bottomed Girls

Friday, July 27, 2012

What if Twitter was Hooked up to my Brain?

So the other night I was on an evening solo ride and I started thinking ... what if everything I say to myself out on the trail were spat out to twitter? Now, a lot of crap goes through my head while riding ... some funny, some deep, but most of it comes out in the form of cursing at either trail features, my bike or my own ineptitude, what if that stream was just put out there for all to see?

This thought came to me as I got stalled out on a little grunt of a climb that I have yet to make it up, "One day I will conquer you (the hill) and that day will be a glorious day!" For some reason that made me chuckle ... how making it up this bit of trail out in the middle of nowhere would be as glorious as winning a huge battle. Then I started thinking about it and holy crap I talk to myself a ton when riding. Everything from congratulating myself for clearing a section of trail that has given me issues in the past to cussing at myself for being such a wussy when I take the easy line, then there are the deep thoughts, the wtf thoughts and the 'oh shit I should be watching the trail not thinking about stringing a herd of cats to pull me up that hill' thoughts.

Sometimes I just have a song in my head, you know that one verse over and over again...ugh. One of my riding buddies has some younger kids and one day he starts humming the I'm the map song from Dora...my little girl used to love that show and it drove me nuts, and now Kyle gets this song in my head and it would not get out...and for some reason every time I pull out a map, it get's in my head now. I have tried getting this little ditty out of my head, but it refuses, it just sticks there like a virus.

Anyway, just some random thoughts that I wanted throw out there. I will try and remember some of these thoughts and post them up on twitter on my next ride...or proably not - I have a hard time stopping and taking out my phone while riding; I hate to ruin the flow of the ride with tech.

What kind of thoughts do you have while riding? What songs get stuck in your head that drive you crazy?


  1. Normally I am either swearing at rocks and trees or yelling "I'm awesome! This is awesome!"

    1. Hah, yeah lots of cussing...usually at my legs for giving up so easy though.

  2. Wearing a GoPro when riding made me aware of the sounds I make.

    1. Yeah, there is a reason I mute out the riding noises in my videos...I am super noisy...lol.

  3. You're not alone. I'm a chatter box too, urging my self to keep going, telling myself "you can do it", yelling at the fear within that restricts me from going hard on sections, and cheering myself on when I clear sections. After I clear a section clean that I've been trying for a while I"m usually shouting "hurrah!" out loud in a yell. I'm sure the animals around must think I'm a whack job.
    Songs, usually not, but maybe I should work on this area of my riding, it could entertain me as I pedal grunty climbs and long ascents up hills (which seems most trails are this way since I live in British Columbia). I do whisper "well bro gotta earn your downs" to myself at times while climbing... maybe a rap song should be written for these occassions.

    1. Good to know i am not the only one...I try to keep it inside but when things get tough or fast and fun I get noisy.

  4. Doesn't feel so weird about myself now after reading this... I sometimes talk to 3 of "myselves". Me cursing , the 2nd me telling 1st me what was my mistake at the last bend and 3rd me telling 1st and 2nd me to go back up and session the section again...

    Somedays I wish "me(s)" would leave me alone to some real solo riding...
